Friday, December 1, 2017

The dangers of raising pets on the health of children.

Some families prefer to own a pet and even consider it as a family member, but this may pose a health hazard to your children and family members in general. Here are some pet hazards to your family.
  1-Scribble: cats Scribble the cat to the skin and the transfer of bacteria and infection and must keep children from cats so as not to get infected from those claws. Symptoms may be swelling of the glands, redness of the skin and the appearance of rash and headache with high fever accompanied by fatigue and these symptoms may also pass from the bite of the cat.
 2-Salmonella:  Salmonella is a microbe that causes vomiting and affects the small intestine and may be transmitted to your child from animal food. It is a disease that the child may enter the hospital for treatment because it is strong symptoms, you have to keep the pet food out of the reach of your children especially crawling them, Salmonella also be present from the reptiles of the reptiles must teach the child to wash his hands well when dealing with reptiles or their cage.
 3 - water containers:  Infants may be drowning in a little water and may become infected as they approach the water containers of the animals so you should keep these vessels as far as possible from the children.
 4. Anti-fleas:  Your pet may suffer from fleas and to treat these fleas, the veterinarian describes some medicines that may cause poisoning to your family members, because in the end they resemble insecticides. You should learn to take care of your pets so that they do not get fleas.
 5. Parasites:  Parasites are transmitted to infect your family members from animals such as anastomas or tapeworm. This is done simply because the child was walking with two feet on an area that had been contaminated by some pet feces such as cats and dogs.

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